Study visit to the entrepreneurial bootcamp for music students of the Royal Conservatoire The Hague

Members of the DEMUSIS team – Dušanka Jelenković Vidović, project administrator and international relations coordinator at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade (P1) and Ira Prodanov Krajišnik, professor at the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad (P2) were guests of the Royal Conservatoire The Hague (P4) from 2nd to 6th of September 2019. The study visit was focused on the realization of the entrepreneurial bootcamp entitled A Musicians Footprint for the 3rd year Bachelor Students from the Classical Music and Vocal Studies departments of the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague.

The bootcamp was led by professors Ramon Verberne and Renee Jonker from Royal Conservatoire The Hague and Tanja Orning from Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. During an intensive week, students had a chance to develop an understanding of what it means to think and act as a music entrepreneur and to test their entrepreneurial skills out of the academic context. Two representatives of Serbian partner HMEI institutions observed the organization and realization of the bootcamp, gaining insight into objectives, expectations and challenges of it. The chance to take part in bootcamp activities, to monitor students’ progress, participate in workshop and evaluation process and exchange ideas and experience with teachers and students of the Royal Conservatoire will be particularly valuable in further DEMUSIS project activities concerning implementation of new courses at P1-P3 related to introduction of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge to music studies curricula.

For more information about the realization of the bootcamp A Musicians Footprint please visit:

More on the bootcamp program can be found here: Programme Entrepreneurial Bootcamp 2019 a musicians footprint.pdf

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