Teacher training at The Royal Conservatoire The Hague (P4) held on 19-23 April 2021

Teacher training in the fields of music entrepreneurship and social engagement of academic musicians was held on 19-23 April 2021 at national academic partner institutions P1-P3 in an online format, due to the COVID-19 lockdown, travel and social gathering restrictions in Serbia and EU. Fifteen teachers and staff members from Serbia (P1: 8 P2: 3 P3: 4) were trained by teachers from The Royal Conservatoire The Hague (P4) during five daily 2-hours sessions, as part of the preparation of the Entrepreneurial bootcamp for music students in Serbia Music – Here and Now, scheduled for May 2021.

The teacher training covered topics such as music entrepreneurship, particularly in times of COVID, creating different kind of actions, values, and products (19th April); music in society (20th April) with societal support for arts and education, issues of ethics and boundaries, inclusion and sustainability; concert and connotation of a bootcamp, pedagogical principles, goals and design of a bootcamp (21st April), as well as exploration of the roles of teacher and coacher, topics of feedback and assessment, collaboration and group dynamics (April 22nd). The last day of training was reserved for Q & A session and establishment of particularities of the first entrepreneurial bootcamp for music students in Serbia Music – Here and Now [Muzika – ovde i sada] to be held in May 2021 within project activities 4.3 and 7.5. 

The online teacher training at P4 was led by Renee Jonker, Head of the Master NAIP (New Audiences and Innovative Practice) at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague (The Netherlands) and member of the AEC-SMS Working Group 3: Entrepreneurial mindset for musician. The course is based on principles that were developed in the AEC Renew Project (2016-2019). 

The entrepreneurial bootcamp is an educational instrument that allows students to develop a lot of skills in a short period of time. In only a few days students will learn by doing how they can function in society as artists in different roles and contexts. Students are challenged to make use of their creativity, their ability to collaborate and their communicative skills. They will explore various aspects of their artistic identity in a setting outside the walls of their educational institution. Students will be coached by teachers who prepared themselves for the task through the teacher training.

The follow-ups of the teacher training at P4 included several ensuing P1-P4 online meetings, with the main follow-up being of course entrepreneurial bootcamp for music students in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Kragujevac 10-24 May 2021. It was also concluded that potential live follow-up in academic year 2021/22 in study visits of P4 teachers to P1-P3 national academic partners (pending decision on the extension of project eligibility period), with live contact between Serbian and EU teachers and students, would yield better results in opposition to online ones, having stronger relevance for national HMEIs teaching staff and students as the main project target groups.

Agenda for online teacher training at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague can be found here.



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