The call for application for teachers of national academic partner institutions for participation in the online teacher training led by the Royal Conservatoire The Hague (P4) was closed on Thursday April 15th, 2021. Overall, 18 teachers from national higher music education institutions in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Kragujevac (P1–P3) applied to be trained for the role of coaches in entrepreneurial bootcamp for music students Music – here and now to be held in Serbia in May 2021 as part of the project activity 4.3. The five-day online teacher training will be held from 19th to 23rd of April 2021.
The teacher training will be led by Renee Jonker, Head of the master study program New Audiences and Innovative Practice (NAIP) at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague (The Netherlands) and member of the AEC-SMS Working Group 3: Entrepreneurial mindset for musician. The course is based on principles that were developed in successful AEC Renew Project (2016–2019).
Detailed agenda of the teacher training is available here.