Guest lectures and workshops for fostering career and entrepreneurial skills of music students from national music academies held in October and early November 2022

Over 70 students and teachers from national academic partner institutions in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Kragujevac took part in guest lectures and workshops conducted by visiting teachers from the Royal Conservatoire The Hague (P4) in late October and early November. The teaching sessions by Martin Prchal (25-28 October), Heloisa Amaral (1-10 November) and Felix Schlarmann (7-10 November) included lectures with small practical assignments, various workshops and discussion groups, the last one concluding with development and performance of one experimental concert.

In a workshop How to give shape to your future as a professional musician? and consultations conducted with students of BA course Basics of project planning and music entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade (P1) on 25 October, Martin Prchal guided students through quality elements in design of an activity that should be taken into account (artistry and artistic vision, activity design, organization and execution, and reflection with evaluation), in discussion about students’ opinion on what constitutes community music activity of a good quality. Integration of artistic ambition, career and reflective skills, along with consideration of quality standards were further explored in an interactive session with elements of workshop on 27 October at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad (P2) with students of modernized BA and MA study programs in music performance, musicology, music production and sound design.

Following her first teaching visit in April 2022, Heloisa Amaral came to a more extensive visit to three national academic partner institutions in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Kragujevac in the first week of November 2022. Her work included various teaching formats – lectures with discussion sessions as well as a number of workshops. On 1 November, she gave an interactive lecture with Q&A session on music curatorship at the University of Kragujevac (P3) to students of modernized music performance and music theory BA study programs. The following day, at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad (P2) Heloisa held a 5-hour workshop with students of music performance and musicology in which their community projects were explored in-depth, from the idea behind it, skills and knowledge needed, questions of audience and venue, to practical, organizational and technical issues, as well as budgeting, legal rights and dissemination. These discussions were also in focus of the workshop Creating a music event, done at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade (P1) on 3 November, with BA students from the elective course Basics of project planning and music entrepreneurship and master students of applied research in music. On that occasion, issues of artistic, communication, organizational, entrepreneurial and other skills necessary for development of small-scale music projects or master projects were looked into.

In the following week from 7 to 10 November 2022, Heloisa Amaral and her colleague from the Royal Conservatoire The Hague Felix Schlarmann, held an intensive course with workshops with a group of students from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade selected through an open call. During the four days, through workshops and work in small groups, students of bachelor and master modernized study programs in classical and jazz music performance, musicology, composition and applied music research, had an opportunity to develop their artistic competencies and career skills while exploring complex relationship between contemporary artistic practice and new professional paths for musicians, along with reflection on the possible roles and responsibilities of academic musicians in society today. The course peaked with an experimental concert, developed from scratch during the workshops, entitled Crossing Borders / Connecting sounds and delivered in Cultural Centre Čukarica in Belgrade on 10 November. The recording of the performance is available at the DEMUSIS Erasmus YouTube channel.

The visiting teaching was realized as part of the WP 4.3 activities regarding the implementation of modernized and new study programs at P1-P3.


Crossing Borders-Connecting Sounds, P1, 7-10 November 2022


Heloisa Amaral's teaching visit to P1-P3 on 1-4 November 2022


Martin Prchal's teaching visit to P1-P2 on 25-29 October 2022

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